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Security begins at Home!

Security begins at Home!

joao figueiredo cybersecurity

Computer security is an increasingly present and popular theme not only in the business world, but also in our lives.

We live in a world of rapid technological development in which our digital presence is increasingly important, so many companies and individuals start getting more and more concerned about the security of the information they have online. Security begins at home and there are some strategies we can – and should – adopt to stay safe online, do you want to know some?

Digital Footprint
When we surf the Internet or use online services, we always leave a trail of information called Digital Footprint. This can be active; through posts, likes, messages, shares, emails, etc; or passive, through information logs like the number of times we access a site, the sites we visit, the clicks we give, the browser and computer we are using, among others.
This footprint is an impossible track to erase and is something that lasts FOREVER, so we must be careful when we navigate in this interconnected world that we call the Internet.

OSINT Framework
I am often asked what we should prioritize protecting when we are online. The most logical answer would be passwords! But I disagree, in my opinion, I think that the most important asset to defend is not our passwords, because these usually already have some security methods (like encryption, salting, etc.), but our accounts, our personal information.
It is not about having something to hide or not when it comes to this type of security, we are all possible targets.
There is a security framework called OSINT, OpenSourceINTeligence, which maps this type of digital trail that we all leave, with this it is possible to know information about any person or entity that has direct or indirect access to the Internet.
This framework can be a weapon for both companies and individuals because in the digital era we live in, data/information can possibly cause more damage than a physical weapon.
When I said that we should protect our accounts and our personal information more, I reinforce the idea that with a piece of information a giant and relentless ball of related information can be unfolded.
There are online databases with leaks of registration information on websites (for example) where tables with usernames, email, access passwords, other data provided by us or not on that website are found. In these databases that cross several leaks from various sites, we can search for words or patterns like phone numbers, passwords, numbers and /or bank codes, etc., and we are able to find more and more data about a person or entity, like other emails, other passwords, other addresses in order to build this Online Map.

Be Strong
So, should we assume that the Internet is a scary and unsafe place? The answer is yes and no. The internet can be dangerous but there are ways to minimize the risks that we take when we are Online such as using different email accounts for each platform we use, using strong passwords, not using the same password twice, browsing sites with updated and reliable SSL certificates (green padlock) and most importantly do not make / share EVERYTHING on the Internet.

Security begins at Home! Allow me to help you out with this, here are some tips for strong passwords:
• 12-15 characters
• Use Capital letters,
• Use small letters,
• Include numbers,
• Include special characters (@#£&_-=%”*’:/!?+,.$€¥¢©®™~¿¡^><`;÷¬°¶×§ etc)
• Do not use words you can find on the dictionary
• Do not use repetitive letters or characters
• Do not use suggestive words (h0m3)

I know it might seem difficult to memorize passwords such as:

But you can always use memory sentences:
{PARK SKYPE walmart JACK ; 0 & HULU % skype korean ( ROPE ! coffee}

Or choose a good password manager software that works as a safe keeping and managing our passwords and/or other confidential information safely encrypted.

The tittle of my article was not chosen randomly.

See Also

If we neglect personal security, the consequences can easily be reflected in the company we work in or even to friends, family, or people who use the same network as us, as an easy door to access on a much larger scale due to globalization information, even if not purposeful.

There are always risks, but there is also always a way to minimize them – Remember. security begins at home!

I hope this article has been helpful and don’t hesitate to reach me if you’d like me to get into more details with this or any other topic related to Cybersecurity!

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