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How to keep updated with Java

How to keep updated with Java

How to keep updated with Java

Java is a cross-platform programming language used on billions of devices around the world, it powers applications, smartphone operating systems, enterprise software and many popular programs. Its enormous transversality makes it one of the preferred languages ​​for many companies and projects and, as professionals in the Java field, it is important to always keep us informed about good practices and updates.

I’ll leave you with some tips!

1. Consult the release notes

First you must go directly to the source (in the case of Java – Oracle);

When we want to know what’s new in a release we can consult the “Release notes”. Despite being less “user friendly”, where we have all the information about the news in one place.

  • New language features;
  • New APIs;
  • New properties;
  • Deprecated/Removed features.

For example:

2. Ad-hoc self-study

Following websites that contain articles/code that explain how to use the news (usually to get to know some features in particular and not all the news) can be a good way.

  • There are articles on how to use new features/APIs – with their theoretical and practical presentation;
  • They have code so you can practice on your side.

For example: https://baeldung |

3. Self-study

Something more structured, where you can follow the content of books or videos online.

  • There are many resources available, with the most popular currently being online;
  • Acquire books on a topic of interest and follow its evolution;
  • Watch videos with what’s new (on Youtube for example) as “Webinars” with what’s new or on specific topics.

Some examples:

Java 8 to 18: Most important changes in the Java Platform (

Java New Features – Java 9, Java 10, Java 11, Java 12, Java13, Java 14, Java 15 (

4. Take a Training Course

Take a more structured course on an online/face-to-face/hybrid training platform, such as Udemy.

You can also sign up for a training session (with the advantage of having a trainer help you to clarify concepts).

5. Certification

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Certification forces you to know many topics and not just the ones you are most interested in at the moment. With a Certification you broaden the range of knowledge, which leads to a greater initial investment, but which pays off when a new problem arises because we already have knowledge of the available features (those that interest us today and others that may be useful later, when the need arises).

In this way, when necessary, we can use the features already provided by the new API’s – it avoids wasting time and effort reinventing the wheel when after all there is already a solution available.

Some certifications:

6. Personal project (or someone else’s/group’s project, for example on github)

Choose a topic that interests you! It can be Web, Mobile or Desktop – what’s important is to have a development goal so you can apply your knowledge.

A personal project allows you to apply theoretical know-how and solve problems like a real project, which leads you to understand how all the components interconnect to create the application.

  • Access to data management system
  • APIs / Controllers
  • User Interface

Throughout the evolution of technologies, I advise you to use this project as a base and redo parts, applying new features.

I hope these tips are useful to you!

Good job!

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